Is Your Canada Waterfowl Outfitter Legit?
Horror stories arise every year of horrible experiences with outfitters, for not showing up, getting busted for poaching right after clients left, hitting clients with a huge bill of things not included in the hunt at the end of the trip, even guides showing up drunk!
Some of you may know that Prairies Edge Outfitting is a member of the Saskatchewan Outfitter Association (SOA) which is an organization made up of professional, licensed hunting and fishing outfitters that operate within the set "code of ethics" guidelines. What does this mean to waterfowl hunters? It is simply a reassurance to all our clients that we are 100% licensed, legal, established and an ethical outfitting business.
Unfortunately many outfitters operate for a short period of time before realizing they do not have what it takes to run a high quality hunting operation and close up shop, also recently there has been an unfortunate influx of illegal waterfowl outfitters invading Saskatchewan, trying to make a quick buck without giving anything back.
No matter where in the world you go for an outfitted hunt you should always look into the outfitter association for that area. If you are ever worried that an outfitter may not be legal or reputable then it can really pay off to contact the outfitter association and ask about them. Often times the association can get involved and get law enforcement to shut down the illegal operator.
Some more tips on choosing a high quality outfitter for your next hunt include:
- Go over the website carefully, if the outfitter went cheap on the website its possible he is not serious about the business. Also check for testimonials or references as well as photos, if these are lacking its because the outfitter is sub par.
- If you can get references check them! make sure they are not just fake emails and phone numbers to trick you into thinking they have lots of references so you don't even need to check.
- Ask if the outfitter gives you a contract, if not there is no legal obligation to provide you with any quality of service.
- See what the outfitters lic. number is, or to see proof of licensing it will quickly become apparent who is a legit business and who is not.
- Ask if anything is guaranteed, any outfitter who will guarantee a full limit of birds every day (and I know some who do) is completely full of it and is ether dishonest or has no idea what they are doing and will likely struggle to get a small number of birds on the ground.
These are just a few simple ideas to help hunters find a reliable, honest outfitter that will work hard to make your hunt a success, just like us at Prairies Edge Outfitting!
Always do your homework before booking a hunt and you should be just fine!