Canada Goose Hunting Guides in Saskatchewan

SK Waterfowl Hunting Report

September Saskatchewan Waterfowl Hunting Report

The 2014 waterfowl hunting season in Saskatchewan, Canada, opened up with a bang!  Better than average numbers of birds in our hunting area made finding early season shoots a breeze!  Good shoots of big Canada geese and Specks in the morning with a handfull of snows thrown in was the norm for almost all of Sept with afternoon duck hunts being on small waterholes about 30% of the time and on dry fields the rest of the time.  The duck hunting was better than average for Sept.  The ratio of Mallards to Pintails was about 70-30 this year At the start of the season.  All of our Sept hunters enjoyed fantastic mixed bag shoots throughout the month, the migration was slow and steady with stale birds filtering out and new birds filtering in constantly.

Overall Sept was a month of hot dry weather (averaged mid 60s) and the hunting was very steady with the birds coming to the fields in small flights and very spread out which makes for a great shoot as the fun lasts longer! The only downside of the beautiful weather was the mosquitos! To any of our new hunters if you come in Sept its always a good idea to pack some bug spray just in case!

See you next Sept! Book Your Hunt Now 

October Saskatchewan Duck And Goose Hunting Report.

Oct 2014 was a great mix of greater and lessor Canadas.  The large numbers of Specks migrated out earlier than normal for some reason and the huge bunches of snow geese came later on....go figure, Waterfowl hunting is always changing and the migration is slightly different every year.  However we still shot mixed bags with most goose hunts consisting of at least some Specks and snows as well as the big and small Canadas.  A lot of our Oct hunts switched and the Duck hunting was better in the morning and the Goose hunting was better in the afternoon whereas in Sept it was just the opposite.

As always the duck hunting just keeps getting better as the season goes on and in Oct the duck hunts are typically all dry field hunts and the ratio changes to 50-50 Mallards and Pintails.

We did take some video footage this year including an absolutely amazing once in a lifetime 25,000 plus Mallards finishing in the decoys hunt, so watch for that coming soon!

On a side note only 3 Bands were killed in 2014, down from 6 Bands killed in 2013 but up from only 1 Band killed in 2012!  Not much Banding is done in our area of Saskatchewan and so harvesting waterfowl with bands is extremely rare!

Hope to see you all again next fall!