Saskatchewan Sandhill Crane Hunting

Guided Crane Hunts in Saskatchewan

Prairies Edge Outfitting now offers professionally guided Sandhill Crane Hunting in Saskatchewan!  This hunt is available for no extra charge on any waterfowl hunt but it is a limited opportunity hunt and is completely dependent on if we have good numbers of sandhill cranes in the area or not. Please let us know ahead of time if you are interested in sandhill crane hunting so we can be prepared when you arrive.

Your guides will be using ultra-realistic full-body sandhill crane decoys, and you will be hunting specifically for sandhill cranes.  This is not a mixed bag hunt and it is not pass shooting!  This is a specifically scouted field and the sandhill cranes are decoying in your face! Typically the morning hunts are better than afternoon hunts so if you choose to hunt cranes we will hunt Sandhill Cranes in the morning and then hunt ducks or snow geese in the afternoon.

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Sandhill Crane Hunting In Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Sandhill Crane Hunts

The Sandhill Crane Hunt Details

Crane hunts are very species-specific with very few “bonus” ducks or geese being harvested on a crane hunt.  When we go on a crane hunt it is specifically a crane hunt, not a mixed bag hunt.  We run full-body decoy spreads and hunt well-scouted areas to get cranes decoying within a few feet of the blind!

Sandhill Crane Season & Limits in Saskatchewan

Typically early season has better odds for Sandhill Crane Hunting in Saskatchewan, as they are warm weather birds and leave at the first signs of winter.  For this reason, September is the best time to hunt sandhill cranes in Saskatchewan.

The daily bag limit for Sandhill Cranes is 5 birds/person/day

Ribeye of The Sky – Sandhill Crane Recipe

Sandhill Crane Meat | Ribeye Of The Sky

Sandhill Crane Recipe

Sandhill Cranes are known as the ribeye of the sky. As with any wild game, preparation is key to a delicious meal. Below you will find one of our favorite recipes for preparing cranes.

  • Skin the entire bird and try to preserve the meat on the wing
  • Cut the breast and wing meat from the bone
  • Let the meat sit for 30 minutes and season with salt, pepper, or your choice of game spices
  • Heat a cast iron skillet and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of butter – add breast to the pan
  • Turn on the oven and set to 400F
  • Cook breast 2 minutes per side
  • Place thermometer in meat and move to the over
  • Cook breast to 135F

Let rest for a few minutes and enjoy!